Sheikh Zayed Book Award announces longlists for 3 categories

emirates7 - The Sheikh Zayed Book Award (SZBA), managed by the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre (ALC), has announced the longlists for the 19th edition in the categories of Translation, Contribution to the Development of Nations, and Literary and Art Criticism. These selections were made by the award’s judging panels and are currently being reviewed.

The Translation category longlist features 19 works from 12 countries: Germany, Italy, Spain, France, Mali, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Iraq, Egypt, Palestine, and Saudi Arabia. These books, translated into and from Arabic, cover four languages: German, English, Spanish, and French.

The Literary and Art Criticism category includes 13 titles from six countries: Morocco, Iraq, Egypt, Tunisia, Palestine, and Syria.

The Contribution to the Development of Nations category has eight titles from six countries: Syria, Morocco, Egypt, Jordan, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

The Sheikh Zayed Book Award is a prestigious independent honor recognizing excellence in creative and literary works across various fields, including literature, humanities, arts, and Arabic language. The award plays a key role in promoting translation, encouraging the production of high-quality literary works connected to Arabic culture, and fostering dialogue among nations based on tolerance, coexistence, and peace.