COP28 President calls on parties to implement UAE Consensus

emirates7 - Dr. Sultan bin Ahmed Al Jaber, Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology and President of COP28, urged nations to once again "unite, act, and deliver" at COP29 in Baku, building on the UAE Consensus, which he described as the "road back to Paris." Speaking at the Pre-COP session, Dr. Al Jaber emphasized that the UAE Consensus serves as a key roadmap for fulfilling the Paris Agreement's goals. He called on countries to continue the progress made at COP28 in Dubai and to tackle the climate agenda despite ongoing geopolitical conflicts.

Pre-COP, held in Baku, is a preparatory meeting ahead of COP29, taking place next month. Dr. Al Jaber highlighted finance as a priority, noting that the UAE Consensus established a framework to make climate finance more available, accessible, and affordable. He stressed that the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG) on Climate Finance, to be adopted at COP29, should provide the means to implement this consensus and ensure that funding reaches the most vulnerable communities first.

Dr. Al Jaber also urged swift action on finalizing Article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which focuses on developing carbon markets. He called for the creation of high-integrity carbon markets to drive investment in both mitigation and adaptation strategies. He further emphasized the importance of doubling adaptation finance and incorporating fully-funded strategies into National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), referencing the UAE Framework on Global Climate Resilience introduced at COP28.

On mitigation, Dr. Al Jaber urged countries to follow through on commitments made at COP28 and align their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with these agreements to maintain the 1.5°C target. He cited analysis from the International Energy Agency (IEA), noting that achieving the UAE Consensus goals of tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency could fulfill two-thirds of the Paris-aligned targets.

Dr. Al Jaber acknowledged the significant investment needed to meet these goals, as projected by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), but emphasized the economic and climate benefits of pursuing the UAE Consensus. He also highlighted the collaborative efforts of the COP Presidencies Troika—comprising COP28, COP29, and COP30—to advocate for the UAE Consensus in multilateral forums like the G7 and G20.

At a separate event organized by the Troika, Dr. Al Jaber stressed the importance of international cooperation to ensure that NDCs are ambitious, balanced across climate pillars, and include means for implementation. He called for sharing best practices, enabling technology transfer, and promoting investment, particularly in the Global South. He framed the next round of NDCs as not only critical for maintaining the 1.5°C goal but also as an opportunity for socioeconomic development, emphasizing the need for equity and inclusivity in climate progress.