Earth to Host Temporary 'Mini Moon' for Two Months

emirates7 - Earth will soon have a temporary companion: a “mini moon” in the form of an asteroid measuring about 33 feet (10 meters) in diameter. The space rock, designated 2024 PT5, is set to make its close approach this Sunday, when it will be temporarily captured by Earth’s gravity and enter into orbit around the planet for approximately two months.

Discovered in August by astronomers at Complutense University of Madrid using a powerful telescope in Sutherland, South Africa, 2024 PT5 represents a fascinating phenomenon. According to Richard Binzel, an astronomer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, such short-lived mini moons are likely more common than previously thought. The last known mini moon was detected in 2020.

“This happens with some frequency, but we rarely see them because they’re very small and very hard to detect,” Binzel explained. “Only recently has our survey capability improved enough to spot them routinely.”

The discovery, made by Carlos de la Fuente Marcos and Raúl de la Fuente Marcos, was published by the American Astronomical Society. While this mini moon won’t be visible to the naked eye or through amateur telescopes, it can be observed with larger, research-grade telescopes, according to Carlos de la Fuente Marcos.

It remains unclear whether 2024 PT5 originated as an asteroid or as a fragment of the moon blasted into space. The mini moon will orbit Earth for nearly 57 days, but it won't complete a full circuit before it departs on November 25, continuing its journey through the cosmos. Interestingly, it is expected to make another pass by Earth in 2055.