Labour force in GCC countries reaches 31.8 million: GCC-Stat

emirates7 - According to data from the Statistical Centre for the Cooperation Council for the Arab Countries of the Gulf (GCC-Stat), the total labour force across GCC countries reached 31.8 million, representing 54.2% of the overall population.

Men made up 78.7% of the workforce, while women accounted for 17.6%.

The number of GCC citizens in the workforce stood at 5.6 million, or 23.4% of the total labour force, with 60% being male and 40% female.

GCC-Stat also reported a 600,000 increase in the number of working women in the region since 2011.

The data highlighted that the government sector remains the largest employer in the Gulf, with considerable room for localisation in the private sector. The share of employed citizens in the public sector reached 83.5%, while only 14.2% were employed in the private sector.

Further statistics showed that GCC citizens are primarily employed in the services sector, with a particular focus on public administration roles.

To address imbalances in population structure, workforce distribution, and industrial development, GCC countries have implemented policies aimed at localising the workforce. These include the GCC Common Market and the Comprehensive Development Strategy, both designed to increase the contribution of the national workforce to the industrial sector.

The population strategy also focuses on enhancing the role of women in development, balancing the population and workforce structures, and improving national workforce training programs. Additionally, all GCC countries prioritize young workers, promote economic diversification, and work towards creating green, environmentally sustainable jobs.